

My reputation
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
With me facing all sorts of agony,
And being viewed as a crook.

At first, I thought it would have no destination.
I saw everything to my destiny as a premonition.
I thought I wouldn't succeed, but I had the ambition.
But unwillingly,I said it was just an incarnation.

I was always in the hands of my enemies.
They had always made me go on my knees.
And every time I had always lost my keys.
Yes, all keys oftenly got lost in the blues.

Fear gripped me, whenever I saw darkness.
It would be a clear indication of my weakness.
Because at times, I would do everything in laziness.
And I would forget what I was working for.

My sun shone when I began to discover my mistakes.
I learned from them and began to recollect myself.
No matter how hard they were, I still persevered.
Fortunately, I was given a helping hand.

That is my story; a story that has moulded me.
A story that has made me a go-getter.
A story that has made me shed bitter tears.
A story that has caused chaos amongst my friends.
But a story that has made me a victor.