

My weird world (part1)
one day one handsome enter my world ...
my world which is just plane as a white paper.
he is cute and his smile is beautiful
which resulted my heart and brain got mute.
But I decided not to fall for him
as girls looked crazy for him as if he's a celebrity.
I tried to avoid him so far...
but one day we 2 got stuck in a lift for a hour
so he tried to break the silence
so he started to talk
but I kept myself mute for that whole hour.
so nothing happened between us so far..
but as soon as we were out of the lift
rumour spread like a wild fire in field,
that we 2 are in love.
I never expected it ,so I got worried.
I tried to avoid everyone around me.
I feel so embarrassed just to go out in public.
one night I was walking alone when no one was on road.
I saw few girls approaching me..
but I kept walking as they Don't matter me..
but they started bullying me..
it's was the 1st time I felt so weak.
one of the said "u said u never liked him then what's happening?just leave him and stay away from him ".
they kept hitting me and shouting the same thing again and again,
this resulted in my brain stopped working,
my body was aching
but soon I started to think is this the end of my journey ....?
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