

Ravaged Lands
In the realm of war and peace, let me share,
A tale of struggle, a hope we all bear.
War, a storm that ravages lands afar,
Leaving scars on hearts, like a haunting memoir.

Battles waged, with weapons gleaming bright,
Tearing families apart, causing endless plight.
Soldiers brave, their spirits standing tall,
Fighting for peace, risking it all.

But amidst the chaos, a flicker of light,
Peace emerges, like a dove taking flight.
A ceasefire declared, hearts filled with ease,
As love and compassion bring nations to their knees.

In the aftermath, rebuilding begins anew,
As shattered cities rise, like dreams coming true.
Hands join together, hearts mending the fray,
Uniting as one, chasing darkness away.

Children play, their laughter filling the air,
No longer burdened by the weight of despair.
Communities thrive, in harmony they reside,
Embracing diversity, side by side.

Let us strive for peace, with every breath we take,
For war's destruction, let us forsake.
In unity and understanding, we find our way,
To a world where peace reigns, day after day.

So let us stand together, hand in hand,
Spreading love and peace across every land.
For in the midst of war, hope shall never cease,
As we strive for a future where all live in peace.
© Soph