

Melodic Ink

Your notes,
Are the only things I have,
The words are like melodies that float,
But the letters sometimes misbehave.

In inked lines, your thoughts unwind,
A symphony of emotions, beautifully penned,
Each stroke, a glimpse of your heart entwined,
In the cadence of verses that never end.

I trace the curves of your chosen words,
In the dim light of a moonlit night,
They speak of tales that haven't been heard,
Unveiling secrets within their silent flight.

From the depths of your soul, they arise,
Whispering softly, a sweet serenade,
Capturing moments, painting vibrant skies,
In the realms of imagination, they cascade.

Sometimes they dance with graceful ease,
In perfect harmony, letter by letter,
But at times, they rebel, refusing to appease,
And their meaning, like a riddle, becomes a fetter.

Yet, even in chaos, they hold a charm,
A tantalizing puzzle, waiting to be unveiled,
With patience, I decipher their delicate alarm,
As the magic of your words is never curtailed.

Your notes, my sanctuary, my refuge grand,
Where I find solace, amidst life's stormy sea,
In your melodies, I reach out for your hand,
And together, we soar, forever wild and free.

For your words paint portraits of a thousand dreams,
They transport me to worlds unseen,
With each page turned, a new journey gleams,
In your notes, a universe is born serene.

So I hold these pages close to my heart,
For they hold the essence of who you are,
Your words, my solace, my eternal art,
Forever cherished, like a shining star.

Your notes, my dear, shall forever reside,
In the chambers of my longing soul,
For in your verses, I find love's stride,
And through them, I'm forever whole.

© Quiet Winter