

To Max
My friend and colleague on the cusp of change, stands tall yet with a furrowed brow.

For he knows his worth,
Yet still he worries.

So as the great friend that I am, I will now quote the words from a movie way before his time ....

If you build it, they will come...

Field of dreams, so very appropriate since...my friend has forgotten his own worth.

I'm hoping that with my message he might just be reminded of his earned greatness.

For my friend is not only kind hearted and true.

He has fire even when that fire and his flame has been hidden.

Because of those who have smothered his loved.

Today I stand taller because my friend had stood beside me,
Unknowingly guided me.

My heart friend I love,
And protect.

Best step off your scorn,
As I will make you mourn
The lack luster of your being
When you dare not to toe the line.
© Joleen