

One Moon in Vrindavan
In Vrindavan, the land of love and grace,
Krishna and Radha meet in a secret place,
The moonlit night, so serene and clear,
Their love, a flame, burning bright and dear.

Krishna, the dark lord,
so charming and bold,
Radha, the fair maiden,
with a heart of gold,
Their love, a union, so pure and divine,
A sacred bond, that will forever shine.

Krishna, with his flute, plays a sweet melody,
Radha, with her voice, sings with ecstasy,
Their souls, in perfect harmony, A love so true, that will never flee.

The night, so peaceful, with stars above,
Witnessing the union, of divine love,
Krishna and Radha, in each other's embrace,
A moment of bliss, that time cannot erase.

Their love, a flame, burning bright and strong,
A bond so pure, that will forever belong,
In Vrindavan, the land of love and grace,
Krishna and Radha, in eternal embrace.

The night passes, with a promise of tomorrow,
Their love, a light, that will never know sorrow,
Krishna and Radha, in each other's heart,
A love so pure, that will never depart.
© Mohak Abidal