

Winter's Sorrow
They dissapear, like the flame of a candle. Their faces lost in the darkness, bound and forgotten. The link between memories and present broken. Like the coming of night, all is covered by darkness. Untold stories left to those who still can hear. Soon they too will lose their faces in the mirror. There is no going back, no remembering. No fairy tail end its all so dark. Alone and cold everything fades. Leaving one lonely girl lost at sea. Her lonely whimper a soft cry on the howling wind. No stories to describe the horror in her eyes. Searching, lost and broken. Searching for someone to save her tattered soul. Like a ray of light in the darkness the sea calmed. Her eyes searched for the light with all she had. A gentle hand reached out and grabbed her from the darkness. Taking hold of her soul with warmth she was blinded and could not see who had grabbed her. Suddenly she remembered she had a heart and it was racing.
© ashcrisb