

Wandering aimlessly, struggling to make it through,
Feeling lost and unsure of what to do.
Each day brings worry, every moment a fight,
For young graduate life can seem so hard to survive.

Dreams have been broken, the road so hard to find,
A long journey that feels like it will never rewind.
Desperately searching for the hope that can be found,
Sometimes in life we stumble and feel lost on the ground.

Still try and rise with a fire burning in your soul,
Even when it's difficult, strive to reach your goal.
Remember this life isn't easy or fair,
But you can push through if you believe in yourself with care.

Take solace in those around you that love and understand,
In moments of darkness they will hold your hand.
Life is hard but one day it'll come true;
Just keep on trying until your dreams come true!

© Quabena Reazon