

Twilight's Veil
In twilight's veil, when night embraces hold,
A mystic hush whispers through the land,
In the moment, before the dawn unfolds,
The world suspends, as if time's hourglass sands.

The stars still shimmer with a fading grace,
Their light dances gently, waltzing in the sky,
While shadows rest upon each quiet place,
Awaiting the sun's kiss, a tender sigh.

The air is cool, a gentle breeze doth roam,
A fleeting symphony of silence found,
As nature stirs from dreams within her home,
In awe of the spectacle soon unbound.

The momentary pause before the day,
A sacred pause, where magic weaves its thread,
In this stillness, souls find peace to sway,
Embracing dreams, where hopes and fears are shed.

Then comes the breaking dawn with radiant hues,
A canvas painted by the hand divine,
A new beginning born from twilight's muse,
In this moment, eternity aligns.
#DawningVerse #Turnthatfat