

Seasons Dance With Father Time

Father Time with his scythe so grim
Wields power over time's swiftest whim
He waits and watches patient and serene
As seasons ebb and flow in between

The Winter comes and Father Time
Decrees the Earth must journey and climb
Toward slumber's dark and frigid embrace
He whispers in the frost's white lace

Then Spring awakens with a quickened start
As Father Time ever began his ancient art
Of weaving vivid colors into the days
And blesses Earth in our Sun's warm rays
He paints the skies with blue and green
Breathing new life into each gorgeous scene

Summer follows hot and bright
As Father Time's fingers take up their flight
Weaving sunbeams into woven dances
And wind-fueled laughter gently enhances
He paints the world with verdant hues
These days are filled with endless views

But Autumn comes so sadly Father Time
Must bid adieu to Summer's prime
Yet he takes his shears and does gently cut
The leaves that now are red and russet

And so the cycle goes around
As Father Time keeps time profound
And seasons dance to his sweet tune
A symphony of light upon a sandy dune

Oh may we never forget his name
This master of the fleeting game
For in his hands both joy and woe
Are but a part of life's eternal flow

So let us honor Father Time
And cherish each moment most sublime
For he is the keeper of all our days
And seasons dance on with his eternal gaze

© Travis Allen King aka DTH