

Enigmatic Universe

Enigmatic Universe

In the velvet cloak of the endless night,
Where stars whisper secrets of cosmic light,
The enigmatic universe unfolds its tales,
In the silent language that the heart unveils.

Galaxies dance in the boundless space,
A celestial waltz, with elegant grace.
Planets align in harmonious verse,
Singing the mysteries of the enigmatic universe.

The Milky Way, a river of dreams,
Flows through the night in silvery streams.
Bright sentinels stand guard, so diverse,
Guiding the wanderers through the enigmatic universe.

In the quiet of the rolling hills below,
Where the earth's gentle breath does softly blow,
The universe's enigma we gently traverse,
Seeking the truths of this vast, silent universe.

So let us gaze upon the night's grandeur,
And ponder the questions that endure.
For in the sky's expanse, so immense and terse,
Lies the beauty and wonder of the enigmatic universe.

© JR2K6