

Crime Charts
Today, iniquitous crimes charts never stop to grow
Let me tell me you some stats, what a survey shows
Every woman has gone through some kind of sexual assault
But still no one is found to be at fault

The best game is to degrade the victim and their honor
Cherry on the top, let the sufferer has a perpetrator who's stronger
Then There's no need of this beautiful game
They'll shut the mouth of the blinded judge with money for the same

Victims are victims, no matter the gender
There are men and women who have to surrender
under the treacherous judicial systems
It'll be even harder for men victims as that's not the usual custom
Blinded , Criminal eyes laugh at them
saying, saw many women now its time for
What in the world is going on?
We make each other weak instead of making strong!

© poetic_parade
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#crime #sexualassault #malesexualassault #judicialsystem #criminals #blindedjudge #victim #catcall #rape #grope #objectification