

Trying to (un)love you
I still remember that day
when I saw you for the first time.
Whole world was a blur and
I could see only your eyes.

Things were not in my hands,
and I was losing self control.
To keep a single pinch of your smile
I was ready to sell my soul.

I was already on the cloud nine
when you turned around and looked at me,
your eyes took the softest corner in heart
and loveliest lines in my poetry.

Days passed and I was very happy
with you in the safe world of my diary
Until that day you called me to meet
and said that you also like me.

Blush spilled all over my cheeks
as I tried hard to hide my smile.
I just wanted to hold you in my arms
and pause this running time.

I closed my eyes and gave you
the power to distroy me till end.
I allowed my heart to beat for you
and chose you to be my breath.

I kept falling for you until I touched
the deepest core of your heart.
I loved your shadow in the sunlight
and I adored what you were in the dark.

I still remember that day when you
looked tired of my love for the first time.
You said you feel suffocated in my diary
and don't want to be in my lines.

You said I sprinkled love on you
more than it was written in your fate.
Without saying too much, you
asked me to walk away before it's late.

I felt choked when tears washed
your breaths from my skin.
I don't know you had dipped me in love
or had soaked me in your sins.

I was lonely again but this time
my sky was gloomier than before
I tried to collect your fallen sparkling lies
but my eyes weren't empty anymore.

My eyes bled different shades of ink,
my heart broke in million pieces of poetry.
I'm a stranger to my own soul now
because I had made you the real me.

© Tengoku

@anthracite Sorry I stole your words love 🙈