something so meger
That moment when your heart aches for no reason
But because it wants someone that can't be there
And it stops being mental or emotional but physical
And the urge to make it stop becomes unbearable
And it controls you to make it stop
But the tears just won't seem to stop flowing
Then finally it stops
It finally goes away leaving you feeling weak and stupid
And you can't look yourself in the mirror cause you promised yourself that last time would surely be the last
And you see yourself going in circles spiralling downwards
And no one around you seems to notice what you did or almost did
Maybe they do but don't seem to care
But it can't be bothered on for long
So as not to blow a cover you are not sure is even holding
And at the end of the day you have nothing to show
No emotion, feeling or even an explanation
Cause it's been drained from you
Something so meger that happens everytime
Broke you again.
© #QueenKT