

Am I scary
Do I frighten you by my sight
If you think so
I ain't gonna say you ain't right
Do I look a little harmful to ya
But there's no where I can hide
It's just the way you look at me
It's your own prejudice
Though I'm not the only monster
I've company inside
They're hiding inside of me
And I'm the one to decide
You eat the brains and name them monsters
You break a heart and build up fire
You leave us with no alternative
And then say it's your personal desire
You keep up going with all your shit
And then expect for apologies
You pull my leg and reach high up there
And then you're the one who gets all the trophies
I can't laugh in the crowd
I can't cry out loud
I can't be myself
You're making me doubt
I keep telling it'll be okay
But let's see how long I'm alive
I could've been a living child
But you're making it hard to survive

P.S. It's my drawing on the cover. Tell me if you like it. Both the poem and the drawing.

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© sasha a.f.