

I didn't get dere. (A twisted road)
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney,
I am very sorry I could not travel both;
I', be the one travel long I stood,
And I look down the road as far as I could,
To where it bent in the

I should ever come back if humble and get down there with no harm as far as I could?.
With no guides I am too cold,
I gradually intake deep breath out, so does it fold?'

I eagerly took the other way fair, with no fear,
If I could only roll into the other way, maybe the tousle is by tears,
cause it was a rebellious journey, full of grassy and wanted Wear,
And the road is in twisted layer.
Even though the passing sign had worn me really about the same,
Both that morning equally lay.

In leaves, no grind steps trodden black,
Only the harmful decayed insects mere animals had trodden dark.
I still kept the first for another day,
Not knowing how way leads on to way,
But yet still, I delay.
so it!,
I didn't realize the twisted road earlier,
But thank God, I didn't get dere.

___abdulkarim Keh-turay 🇸🇱