

I feel like the sails of an old ship
That's sailed through a terrible storm
All beaten and tattered from the wind
Of that unusually wicked storm
The frightening storm that hit
In the darkest of the night
You couldn't see it brewing
But you could definitely feel it's fight
There was no was no way to escape it
And certainly no way to fight back
When it struck it paralyzed me
There was nothing I could do
Then the lighting followed
Slicing like a knife
The storm raged for awhile
With no end in sight
In and out of consciousness
Wondering if I'd be alright
Hanging in the lingo
Of earth and spiritual light
I could hear the storm around me
As it was tearing through
I could also hear the words
Of people I once knew
People that were gone now
Loved ones that had passed away
In this moment I thought for sure
There was no way I'd be okay
I thought my body had given up
And could no longer house my soul
Then back into the darkness
I slipped once more
To my amazement I came back to
I thought I was going to drowned
My body was so weak now
From all of the abuse
I tried so hard to move
Even my eyelids were a million pounds

My body no longer felt like my own
I could barely even whisper

I whispered I love you
That's the last thing I remember
Then back into the darkness
I drifted once again
When I awoke days had gone by
I wasn't sure if I was really alive
Then I tried to move
The broken bones and pain
That was a give away
I had in fact survived
My innocence left on that frightful night
Right along with my sense of safety.

© Celeste