

Little Crissy

Lil Crissy

© Copyright 2019

All rights reserved.

Lil crissy

Full of laughter,Always Smiling making friends every where you go.

Sooo cute and beautiful

Your sooo full of life

I wanna apologize

lil crissy I kept You hidden.trauma and fear

Guilt caused you to run and hide it wasn't your fault.

Lil Crissy I'm sorry

I messed up it was too much for you silent and hidden all these years

Thinking lil crissy died

I'm sorry all I ever done was try to keep you safe

Turning to drugs was my way to suppress what happened.

Lil Crissy I promise everything will be better

I can hear you calling me

I feel you here your laughter comes out when our kids and grandkids are here it's time I left the door open. I promise the bad man is gone it's safe

Lil crissy come meet your kids and grandkids and your husband who loves you,please

Come back

LiL Crissy

© Copyright 2019 poetic beauty . All rights reserved.