


At the edge of the furthest mountain,
Between the valley and the lazy river,
Beyond the edge of the scented meadow,
I can see the hues painted by the setting sun...
no one knows this place
life doesn't exist here , I don't know why I am here
with me I have no one to care
I am a pretty girl with bare hands ,
my bare foot are getting ruff,
I have walked a long distance
in search of my loved one
this greedy world
took away my life ..
they killed my dreams by there rules ,
they killed my hope by saying there is no scope ..
they killed my body with knife,
in this world hatred is in rife ..
one day wind whispered in my ear
it said daughter you are in heaven ..
suddenly I realized it have been year seven..
I still have hope because
no one is here to say there is no scope ,
I am not afraid of getting killed
because I left my body in that world
now I am just a pure soul ,
who is leaving her footprints on the cold sand filled with warmth of heaven ..
I am a princess
who is still in search of her prince ,
I don't want fame or a big name ,
I don't want a big home,
I just want my prince to be safe and sound without any wound ,
I know that one day he will find me ,
he will love me and he will cherish me..

- Anushka Kasana

© Anushka Kasana