

Don’t stay mad at the setting sun
We did a lot but the day is done
Run so fast but get no where
Worlds and worlds hold my blank stare
In my heart I try not to care
But here I am stuck somewhere.
Glued my pieces but they dare
Break all over everywhere.

Shattered glass holds me together
My heart light as a feather
But my feelings hold me down
Heavyweights they touch the ground
I scream but never make a sound

Sometimes in life I’ll come home
But then I just want to roam
In fields of grass with sharpened edges
My soul flies but is not expressive

Then I fall into the sea
I float but the waves pull on me
What is life supposed to be
Moving pieces that call my name
Most of the time I lose this game
I keep playing all the same

In a world of hide and seek
Sometimes when you find the peak
It will be much farther down
So you keep searching around

We want more but when we look
The places we find we aren’t hooked.
All of our hope is inside
When we search we also hide
Our own fate we don’t abide.
Life moves with us or against us
With the movements we must trust
Or our lives turn into dust.

So far gone we can’t see them
Float away a broken Jem
© wondrouslythinking