

"What's Love?"

Love is a sweet, radiant melody,
A harmony of hearts, a symphony of souls.
Touching moments, kindness that flows,
Respect and love, forever grows.

Patience and understanding, a gentle breeze,
That soothes the heart, and calms the seas.
In love's embrace, all fears subside,
Leaving only warmth, and a gentle tide.

For love is the anchor, that holds us tight,
A beacon of hope, in the darkest night.
It's the whispered words, in a lover's ear,
A gentle caress, that wipes away each tear.

So let love be the melody, that fills our days,
A sweet serenade, that never fades away.
For in its rhythm, we find our peaceful nest,
A haven of joy, where love is at its best.
© Tabeth Shoko