

When your Time arrives
When your Time arrives.
You'll know, why the wait was Long.
Once you get to tame the Devil.
The going will be Smooth and Strong.
When your Time arrives,
all the Lessons learnt will make Sense
and your Wounds and Scars,
Will all be sitting on the Fence.
When your Time arrives,
Your Character will be Chiseled.
Good Times will surround U
and Bad Times will get Fizzled.
When your Time arrives,
after passing through deep Tunnels.
U will unearth, Hidden Gems
and precious Pearls, from the Funnels
When your Time arrives,
There'll be Lightning and Thunder.
Coz you're God's Creation.
His Exceptional Wonder.

© Savio Fonseca
#yqwriter #Love&love #Love&love💞 #Life&Life #relationships #words #thoughts #writco #poem #writer