

How Much Longer?
Through all the laughs and smiles, an aura of sadness always stays nearby me
And like a balloon that hasn't been tightened properly, I only have so much air a day, and I feel deflated as early as noon
As a kid, I always wanted to live on an island, and as fate would have it, I got granted that wish
But not nearly in the way I envisioned it
Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think, that I'd be in this pit
No friends during the storm
Family torn apart
And if it wasn't for those who do actually care and show up for me everyday, I do not even think I'd be writing this letter right now
That's how bad the chips are down, and holding back tears has become the order of the day
More and more I'm starting to accept that maybe the things I dream of, are just illusions I cling to, unreachable destinies
That white picket fences, waiting at the end of an aisle, attending rugby games and ballet recitals for my little ones are mere pipe dreams
And that my only companion will be the pen I'm currently scribbling with

I have yet to see the brighter side of life people so often talk of, I just hope that I'll taste a bit of it before my line here, is drawn