

Ode to love
LOVE, you are my muse
A shining spark that lightens
In the confounds of the heart
It beams the darkness of the days
Those monotonous days that feel empty when love is absent

LOVE, you consume my soul
And every waking breath feels like
I am in quest of you
They say I am a romantic but
I did not choose to be

LOVE, you attach yourself to me
I lose my identity, giving myself away
To you…
I see a human and flower blooms
I give time, energy, sweat and tears
But it goes deeper

I feel what they feel,
For an instant, I become them
And sometimes,
Sometimes only, I no longer recall that I am
I take on their feelings, their pain, their voice

LOVE, you are my muse
Remind me of who I am
Pull me back home,
fetch me back from the dim corner of nothingness
Bring light with you, remind me
Before I can LOVE them, I need to LOVE me
© Kendjana