

Stanzas — — — The Corpse That Was Mine, And The Dead Voice
The Corpse That Was Mine : —

I had entered a cold and dusty basement,
fill'd with stacks of books in congeries,—
and old and browning pages in seas.
And from yonder, sitting on a strange pavement,
a rotting corpse of saddened shame; —
and it spoke and stuttered my name —
Then I knew, the elder corpse. . . was MINE!

The Dead Voice:—

Then the voice kept mocking me,
and had said,—
"Ye, . . ., tha'rt me without... the dead!",
and it seemed it did not like the past,
for it had began to maddening laugh,
and twitched many a-before me!

To Be Continued By @DrI.N.K
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