

Wingeing! From the citizens of our beloved country
Grumbling ! From the folks of our wretched community
The paradise we fervently prayed for
And the change we wistfooly clamor
A world-wild dog hunts people from their daily hustle
The tiny being that preys the giant in his castle
Take shelter in place, the world loo
But wilth a wilder animal, our clan is locked in zoo
Corona! From the strangers land, the virus is imported
Hunger! From our own folks, the virus is created
The tormenting pain of a chronic ulcer
And the worse view of our dying mother
The precarious predicament of our precious society
And the devastating destiny of our Dearing family
We applied the make-up of a broken smile
But the pieces of our shattered heart is farther than a mile
We feverishly shiver! As our hands profusely cry
We sonorously boast! as our hope gradually die
The innocent Guinea pig is to test the vaccine of dying humans
And the blood of the pig runs in the veins of healthy Africans
Survival! is all our pathetic selves desire
But our ultimate fall is all our messier admire
So then, we humble ourselves before the Supreme one
That the afterlife can be a rewarding one

©Afolabi Sodiq Abioye