

"the word"
In the beginning was the word
and the Word was love
and love existed
only in the thoughts of God
across eons immeasurable
in infinite and formless void
God spoke and said,
"let there be light!"
so, love smiled
and the darkness broke
and there was day to follow night
In awe, God saw her light
and, for the first moment of time,
the unending beauty and splendor
of Love's creation
no longer was the word alone,
simply, in the thoughts of God
but, from when he spoke,
she spilled out into the void,
filling everything
with light and love,
hope and purpose
though the darkness cowered
and shrunk away,
God gave it also purpose
to be measured by time
and ruled by division
its abode was now called night
and it's void
became defined by finite space
it's only purpose now
was to hold station between the days
and only to mark
every new coming of the light
and with its every shadow waning,
love and her light
are exalted all the more
and hope and purpose
begin again, anew
as pitch fades
behold the beauty of the day...
© Michael Paul Reed