

A Heartfelt Thank You
To those who showed me life's precious ways,
I express my gratitude in these heartfelt days.
My mom, who gave me strength and might,
Thank you for guiding me through life's plight.

My dad, who gave me courage to face,
The challenges that came with time and space.
Thank you for being my rock, my guiding light.

My uncle, brother, life's mentor true,
Thank you for being there, seeing me through.
Your wisdom and advice, I'll always adore.

My teachers, who taught me with gentle care,
Thank you for helping me grow, for showing me how to share.
Your lessons were smooth, yet impactful and grand.

My sisters, who brought joy to my life,
Thank you for being my partners, my friends, my strife.
You lifted me up, even when I fell down.

My brother, who supported me unconditionally,
Thank you for being my ally, my friend, my family.
You stood by me, without judgment or fear.

To all my dear friends, who do anything for me,
Thank you, for your kindness is precious to me.

You all are my shining stars,
Helping me navigate life's nears and fars.
I'm grateful for your love, guidance, and care.

© anaya raj singh