

lifeless figure
she’s an odd one, that’s for sure

her short, dark hair is greasy and uncombed,
it doesn’t suit her,
almost as if it were a wig

her pale skin in marked all over-
she is covered in acne and freckles,
from head to toe,
and she has scars covering
the majority of her stomach and thighs

her eyes are a deep blue,
so innocent looking,
until you notice the dark circles under them,
indicating that she has not
properly slept in weeks

she’s ugly, but in a heart wrenching way,
as she seems to be broken

she looks as if there were nothing inside her,
as if she were numb,
almost as if the life had been sucked out of her

i look at her,
and i don’t recognize who is staring back

i want to tell her just how ugly she is,
i want her to believe everything
that people say about her,
make her know just how disgusting she truly is,
make her hate herself more than she already does

but i just stare

i can’t speak,
i can’t touch her face or make an expression

yet, i start to cry

because that isn’t her

that isn’t who she is meant to be

i can’t recognize that girl,
and that is what scares me the most
about my own reflection

© vnm.ghst