

If you can speak and make not speech your lies,
Or gifted with sight, you ensnare not your eyes,
If you can hear and not by listening be corrupt,
Or being generous, you fear not to go bankrupt,
If you can rise when others choose to go down,
Or being truthful, prefer to be called a clown,
If you can learn and not make knowledge a curse,
Or being curious, make no vain pursuit your boss;

If you can try and not in trying found wanting,
Or faced with failure, you stop not to keep living,
If you can love and not for hurt resort to hate,
Or being betrayed, choose not to curse your fate,
If you can ask and not by getting be doomed,
Or when at want, not given to a hopeless mood,
If you can soar higher and remain humble still,
Or terribly tempted, lose not your precious will;

If you can count for each loss, a blessing―two,―
And do same with your luck and misfortunes too,
If you can behold yourself and smile all night,
Reassuring yourself that all will be alright,
If you can bear to hold none in mind for a foe,
Or when any is found, you let such a hurt go,
If you can rule and not misuse the throne,
But having it all, consider none as your own;

If you can love and enjoy your own company,
Or when around others, disrespect not any,
If you can err and not be too proud to repent,
But after forgiven, treasure such a moment,
If you can be quiet to hear the lowly speak,
Yet humble enough to listen for a whole week,
If you can go an extra mile for love's sake,
And the road otherwise, you refuse to take;

If you can do something worthwhile for free,
Or being paid, you add a bonus for three,
If you can want little but desire to do more,
Or tho' incapable, you find something to live for,
If you can live so good you have no regret,
Or when met with griefs, you choose to forget:
The world, I tell you, is yours my friend,
If like these you can live from now till the end.

Inspired by: "IF" (BY RUDYARD KIPLING)