

Make Love To My Heart
At one point the chasing gets tiring
Night after night in a different bed
Writhing beneath nameless strangers
For a while i was untouchable
Irresistible even
But even as i had countless orgasms
It was never satisfying
It was like a drug you can't get enough
One pull leads to another

I chased after the high
Until it hit me that I'll be chasing the wind all my life
This isn't what i want
I want more
More than sex with men I'll never see again
I want more than a quick release of tension

So make love to my heart
This could get real
Maybe this could last

I'm tired of these one night stands, these partnerships
Im exhausted from harboring the fear of opening up
I want something real

So make love to my heart
You won't have to leave in the middle of the night
And i won't have to wake up in a cold, empty bed
I want to wake up in your arms
Please make love to my heart
A different kind of love i know not of
Different like you
I want it to feel right when you stay the night

Something more than sex
Something with all strings attached
I want to feel every motion
Im willing to give more than an orgasm,my loyalty will lie with you
Willing to open more than just my legs, its my heart this time
Ready to do more

Make love to my heart
Long and tender
Disintegrate the walls id built around it with your touch
Cherish it with your kisses
Brand it in ways only you know how

Make love to my heart
Way past my body
Because my heart knows what's real more than my body does
Imprint my heart, that way what's real will always be you...

© Black Mango