

unknown path but same destination

on that day when I stood at the turning point I saw many roads that had different directions

great fear over took me as I wandered who and what I will meet on the way

how I will take it, what will be my faith and how will the out come be like

little did I know that there was someone or others who have these same thoughts going through their mind
unknowingly I felt if I move I might get pushed off the balcony by the unknown

but sodenly I felt a sensation saying you will never know till you try

I tried with no intention of turning back but hoping for the best

on my way I meat someone who was also hoping for the best but not certain
now we are too fear lessened
soon we came in contact with another who could give everything to find someone like him

we all journed together to the unknown and made it

little did we know our faith but we trusted in the unknown
© Itz Fabio 🌹