

I opp to see
just a rare one indeed
of marbles and turns
to a bliss fate
where I
holds in the keys
to the gates
of a new memoir
I want to embrace
this time around
its a new phrase
where I am thee writer
then I would erase
chapters that align not
with my vibrant soul
maybe then
I would leave no stone unturn
to remove
every piece of numbness
which entice light
to escape from sight
or just a huge crowd
which sometimes lies
above my shoulder
this time around
its a clear sky
with a clear rainbow
mocking the storm
agony exist not
I hire strong guards
which see to it
every negativity
is kicked out
its I
in the control room
every time the storm arrives
I call the shots
criticism and mockers
are nearly dust
a strong wall had been built
of self esteem and concept
it leaves no effect
it so happens
am in charge
I carry the power
of vivid imagination and creation

© mariahashei