

Dear Friend
Dear friend,
I hope this letter finds you well.
At times the correspondence that I send,
get lost astray with other mail.
I want you to recognize I'm proud of you,
for the conflicts you have quietly fought.
And after all the perdition you've been through,
for the salvation that you sought.
Maybe you finally located it,
or maybe it's still blowing in the wind.
Amongst the wreckage that you sift,
I pray you'll find your way again.
Beauty lies buried in every struggle,
when adversity strains the already tortured soul.
On the horizon I know there's more trouble,
but I'll be your hand to hold.
The darkest nights make the brightest stars,
and outer space needs more that glistens.
So no matter how near nor far,
I'll be the beating heart that listens.
I hope to hear back from you soon,
and I'll be here waiting until the beautiful end.
I love you up through the stars and the moon,
With love, signed your long lost friend.

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