

Sweet Devotion
Slurp your hearts on a string of love

A symbol of fluffs and jovial romance

Times of sweets and smiles

Comfort of ours or tears that we shed

The freezy season of love, heats our cheeks

Thousands of shyness Still remains

Just a few memories we attained

Red fragrances filled the air of love

Perhaps, the lavender fragrance still lived

"Roses are red"

"Violets are blue"

The only flower that I consume is your indulgent bliss

Smiles of joy and the flutters of butter and flies

The glamorous talent still exists

Some alluring from the eyes full of love

Other's pass from affection While their facade cooks up

Mesmerizing dimples you possess

After the language of love you consumed

Your hands so fair, lead a hevean unseen

An imagination, that smiles into mere losses of yours.

© Waverywaves