

Always in my thoughts
You are never out of my thoughts.
As if they suppost to be there.
It was from the very first day that I met you.
You where always in the back of my mind.
In my thoughts you always be there, you
never leave my mind.

And suddenly you be there again.
It was like you never lefted.
We had such a good time.
One of the best times of my life.
And than the day comes that you must leave.
You have to travel around the world.
But where ever you go, I will alway be with you.

I will always be with you in my thoughts.
And you will always be in my heart.
We having a bond, a connection.
You told me that I am alway in your thoughts
to. Two lost souls that found the other,
I will never leave and hope you never will
leaving me too, we love each other.
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