


It starts with a thought, a whisper in the dark,
I know it always begins with a scene, familiar yet haunting.
It's happened before, I've felt it, I've seen it.

The devil's at his peak, lurking in shadows,
He's on the move, I know, yet I let him, why?
What's wrong? I know what it is—lust.

I know I shouldn't yield, yet I do.
I've seen salvation, glimpses of grace,
Yet I find myself succumbing to these temptations.

Now I feel disdain, with all this guilt,
I'm all by myself.

The life I yearn for, elusive,
It's like all my efforts have washed away,
And I'm back to square one, again.

It's sickening, it saddens me,
I'm alone.
Has HE left me?
© Tobie 💙