

Illusive dream!

A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney

Blood spelled towards the sky,
Blackish outlet shining,
Darker reveals history,
Frightful Body swelling!

Scary nights waiting desparately ,
Vampire sucking blood overhelm ,
Crying sounds ghostly,
But no one present along then!

Rainig blood reddish black,
Diadem Pelling skin,
Shaking ground around dead track,
No greenary to spin!

Hauting blinking dark eye,
Blue shine immersed ,
Pityful giants in ship submerge,
Nails all creased !

Suddenly something shook me ,
I was frightened to cross the bridge,
That called me ,
To swim in its bloody stream!

All of cruel hampering me,
I got a jerk and fell into it,
Opened my eyes ,
And found myself in my room !

So dangerous that was,
Dream was fake,
Thank you God ,
That never I had such dream!

- Durgesh Lokhande