

You were the first

You were the first to make me smile.
You were the first to make me feel lighter than air. I thought you were my Prince Charming, but I was wrong. So very, very, wrong.
Oh how the mind creates beautiful illusions and brings out our deepest desires. Like a good Father mine warned me about cowards like you. But when you're a naive girl you will believe every fairytale as if it were ultimate truth. If you no longer miss me then I'll know you were just a fraud. Why did you say you loved me if you didn't plan on sticking around? You were my first kiss and thank God it was my heart I gave you and not my body. Because now I can exchange real love for a ring one day.

Remember when you didn't show up that day? Maybe not. But I do. When I think of you now it's bittersweet. Because I know you never valued me. However, I'm thankful for the lesson you taught me. I won't ever settle for someone like you again. I wish you the best.
Or maybe I don't. Either way the door has been closed and you won't ever see me again.

© Jillian Alexandria Weiss