

Last few glowing Amber's of a dying fire..
Defiantly fights with the darkness..
That tries to snuff the last of light..
That stands in it's way..
The shaking and shivering minions..
Covers in nooks and crannies..
Trying to disappear in to the shadows..
A brave soul or two dares to hover..
In a safer distance of their brooding master..
Wondering what has gotten him so glum and forlorn..
He was cheery and so full of energy..
For someone thrown to eternal damnation..
Lost halo or the singed wings..
Hadn't affected him enough..
To sit in a corner and sulk..
Sigh and sniff like a child..
Who lost his best toy..
They have known his anger..
His pain and his satisfaction..
Even his hunger and his ambition..
They knew his ecstasy and his hubris..
But never this feeling..
This unknown sense of loss..
And the cold..
That is about to freeze the hell's halls..
While the younger scratched their heads..
The wise and ancient read the symptoms..
His hopeful eyes..
Soulful sighs..
The way he rubbed his chest..
Over his heart, of course, only if he had one..
His distant gazes, and wrinkled forehead..
They said he was sad..
It was grief..
It was sorrow..
It was loss of someone..
Someone that he missed..
The memory of someone he loved..
But of course they laughed..
Called the wise ones mad and senile..
How could the devil know love..?..
Whom could he love..?..
He is the devil and there was no love..
But of course they knew nothing..
They thought they knew him..
Yes, they knew of him..
But never him..
No one cared that he felt..
That he loved..
Loved her more than he ever showed..
Why would he fall..?..
Lose his grace..
Just to save her..
From the iceand fire of God's wrath..
If only they knew..
He was the best of them all..
The lover's scorned..
Abandoned and forgotten..
For once and for all..
© shey