

Fools in love
You watch his every move
from small to big
nothing can get passed you.
He fills your heart and mind
and even steals your smile.
No matter what he does
he wins your praise.
No matter what he says
you still cling to him.
Even through your darkest times,
you won't leave his side.
You comfort and console him,
even when it was you he hurt.
For him you'd do anything,
even wear a smile
when you just want to cry.
For him you take the blame.
For him you won't stay the same.
You change your looks and
change your lifestyle,
just for the hope.
The hope he'd look at you,
the same way you look at him.
Even after he hurt and
used you a million times,
you just smile and love away.
You say if not him,
then nobody.
But... what about me?

All I can do is watch you
from a distance.
I lend you a shoulder to
cry on when you get hurt
and tell you sweet words when
he tells you lies.
I back you up when
people wrong you.
I lift you up when
you feel down.
I defended and protected you
at all costs.
But even after all that...
you never looked at me.
The second you feel better,
you run back to him.
I already thought of stop
loving you,
but just like you,
there is nothing I can do.
My heart long belongs to you,
no matter how much you hurt me
I seem to not stop loving you.
I guess we are both fools.
Fools in love.
Because no matter what,
we never want to give up
on our love.
Even if it just ends
with us getting hurt.
Our hearts just don't
seem to be willing to
give up just yet.

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