

Patiently waiting!
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope insight. As she set patiently, full of faith that he would come. holding a picture against her. Her eyes swelling with tears if excitement, as she thinks to herself, "He's finally coming home to me". It has been so long since she has seen his face, heard his voice, and held him. She was filled with so much excitement, she didn't know how to greet him. All of a sudden in the distance, she beholds a tall shadow in the distance. "Is it him she thinks?" As the figure gets closer, it is him, in all the emotional excitement, she sprints to him and leaps in his arms. It is her husband and best friend back from a tour of duty. She holds him never letting go for seems like hours. So many of our fathers, brothers, husband's, and uncles serve our country, and we need to acknowledge that they, perform a great, and wonderful service. Let's support our troops.
© Kori E Martin