

They went into the woods, in their worn-out shoes,
Immaculate sunrise peeping through the woods.

Making nature glow like a gem, making buds blossom
Are morning this perfect wondered everyone??

Tinkering, snickering and teasing they came across the seeds.
It looked like it fell aloof from those elegant trees,

Clutching it in their hands they ran towards their dwelling.
Dig the ground deep, sowed the seeds and dawdle for them to thrive into a seedling.

It grew taller every day, it grew greener and looked amazing through March, April and May.
Birds, Butterflies and squirrels were the visitors of the day.

They found them mesmerising, wanting to join them to play
Out of enthusiasm, they clamber the trees but fumbled and scuffed their knees.
Suddenly a notion strikes in, Let's build a cabin cosy and neat,
On the branches of the magnificent tree,

A treehouse was built and it was a big one
A little bedroom inside would suffice and they had a lot of fun.

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