

Unheard Agonies
In the hospital's solemn realm, a storm of anger brews,
NHS staff endure the tempest, as some patients abuse.
Shouting demands like thunder, with entitlement's might,
They disregard the humanity, that's struggling through the night.

The weary healers, with hearts of gold so pure,
Face torrents of frustration, voices harsh and obscure.
Their efforts overlooked, their sacrifices unseen,
As some patients roar demands, as if by right they glean.

The halls, once a sanctuary, are now a battlefield,
Where empathy is overshadowed, by rage unconcealed.
Their patience stretched thin, like lightning about to strike,
Yet they stand firm, resolute, in the face of this strife.

Amidst this turbulent anger, their dedication stands strong,
A testament to their resilience, amidst the clamor and wrong.
Let's shine a light on the darkness, and for change we plea,
That compassion and respect prevail, in every hospital spree.

© TwoTimesTwice