

'LOVE' Redefined
Along period, emotions got their form altered, from interior to surface
To the knot of relations, no longer does they embrace.
'Love' amongst them, needs to be conferred about
The only feeling that endures the perception of doubt.
Besides lifestyle, what indeed changed is its definition
Instead of smirks, tears do nest in its every session.
Keeping wings, it upholds nimbleness to fly
But oh its hapless fortune; It owns none sky.
As smog in cold nights, melancholy happens in its trail
And apt of computing its mass, there's no such scale.
The love, which'd associate deaf ears & blind eyesight
Destiny under its roof is now, no hearty & bright.
Obverse to previous periods, it enroots on the soil of greed
Seeds of generosity, no more does it need.
Heart corresponds to dumpyard & emotions to trash
Weighing against bliss, heartache turns out brash.
Merely, an ordinary coinage glossed with gold
The strokes of its morality are no more bold.
Limited to the moans on bed
Packing up from heart, it parks in head.
Broiling summer; a cureless disease
It's infirm body with wounded knees.
Each one longs to be its victim, it's such an all's admired crime
Nevertheless, contra to charisma, its torment is known to be sublime.
At last, to the body, not the soul but only breaths do handle
Imitation of conscious mess does body seem, a prey to scandal.