

Warning Dream!!
It started at my grandma's house her land
But she's been gone from here for seven years now I don't understand
My cousins and I were in my uncle's old Chevy truck going down a dirt road
When it broke down we had to push the heavy load
My cousin points at the sky, "Look at the angels"
As I looked up the heavens had parted and it was the colors of a sunset
What I saw is something I will never forget
There were angels fighting in the sky
And as I watched one break away to come and stand before me
Wearing armour suited up for the battle with red silk at the shoulders and across the breastplate
"Beware, the enemy is on the prowl seeking to destroy... be on guard"
Very gently places hand upon my cheek then
said,"I have to go now they need me."
And with great wings took to the sky to join the battle once more.
© FieryFurie