

Falling in Love vs Falling out of Love
Falling in love,
It’s as if you wake up one day
And the world is bathed in a softer light.
You find yourself drawn to him,
His presence the only thing
That makes sense.
It’s sweet, like the first bite
Of a summer peach,
Juicy, warm,
Filling the spaces you didn’t know were empty.
Everything around you blooms,
Colors deepen,
The first kiss like sunlight
Warming your skin
After you’ve been cold for too long.
It’s sudden, effortless,
As natural as breathing.

But falling out of love—
That’s something else entirely.
It’s a slow, quiet erosion,
Barely noticeable at first.
Each day, you see the cracks,
Tiny flaws that begin to grow.
You try to fix them,
Patch them up,
But the water keeps leaking in,
Seeping into everything.
The house you built together
Begins to flood,
And you’re left standing there,
Shoes soaked,
The discomfort of wet socks
A constant reminder
That things aren’t what they used to be.
You search for the joy you once felt,
But it’s hidden now,
Like shadows in the corners.
And one day, you realize
You’ve been holding on
To something that’s already gone.
You’ve fallen out of love,
And all that’s left
Is the quiet acceptance
That it’s time to let go.

© reddragonfly