

Stories Never Heard
What thoughts colour yours today?
What goals will you achieve someday?
You spend your time dreaming of glory,
While your life waits aside for its own story,
Like the dreams of the sucking baby
Still lying ahead like an unknown victory
You spend your time worrying about what should be
But hardly even notice what has been already,
Chasing life as if it was race to be won
Forgetting that you have a life to live
You spend time daydreaming about a perfect life
But the perfection you crave, you have it already
Stop daydreaming about perfection, live it
Carve you name on the sands of time
Be remembered by posterity that
You lived and didn't just exist
Wake up O sleeper!
You have a life to live and it starts today
A story to tell to generations yet to come
Arise from your slumber and write you own mesmerizing story.