

The Orange Bird

The world is so red and orange
full of wars and rage.
I, a black bird learning to fly
watch my enthusiasm die.
for they say, I couldn't
and the fierce voice in my head shouted you shouldn't.
I continued to move forward
and the hunters trying to shoot me like a coward.
bullets and swords of taunt
like a winter breeze haunt
the nook and corners of my fugitive soul
the black bird is turning cold.
but I flip and flatter
like broken pieces of glass about to shatter.
they said orange is dangerous
orange is ferocious
I shut my ears like a child
but kept flying undeterred and wild.
they said red is the color of blood
I kept fighting like street kids caught in a flood.
I kept ignoring
the black bird is exploring.
discovering what's beyond the orange sky
love and peace or hue and cry.
the orange being cut by the black wings
pulling myself away from the mediocre string.
the black casts a silhouette on yellow
the bright sun smiles and says hello.