

have mercy Lord
I have abused your gift
I have abused your kindness
I have abused your faith
for my own selfishness
I ask for forgiveness

I come before you
I repent before you
I need you
I am sorry
I am in a deep pit
only you can get me out
have mercy Jesus

I take advantage of others
I hate others
on behalf of my nation, friends
I say, we are sorry
have mercy upon us, Jesus
I ask for your mercy

from your fountain of forgiveness
I know your abundant love is enough to wash away my sins
erase this shame of sin
for you saw it all
I sinned from birth
make me clean again

teach me wisdom
purify my concise
satisfy me in your Sweetness
and my song of joy will return

hide my sins from your face
erase all my guilt
create a new Clean heart within me
fill me with pure thoughts
and Holly desires
ready to please you

let my passion for life be restored
let me value life
I can't give life so I shouldn't take it
deliver me from blood guilt
unlock my heart

you will despise my tenderness
as I humbly bow down at your feet
be the protecting wall around me
restore the joy of salvation
bring revival upon me
let the fire of revival
burn in my church

thanks you Jesus Christ
thanks again..........